Ad Rates

Reader Ads

$20.00 for the first 120 characters (ad title and ad body combined). $1.00 for each additional 7 characters. Maximum of 400 characters. Deadline for reader ads is the 10th of the prior month for publication. Ads submitted after that date will appear in the next subsequent edition. All reader ads have a free online listing. Print format options are:

STANDARD – No extra charge for Standard printing.

BOLD – Ad Title and all text in ad body are bold – $10 extra per edition.

BOLD WITH BORDER – Border around the ad – Add $15.00 per edition.

REVERSE TYPE – Text is white with black background – $20 extra per edition.

Online Business Directory Listings

Free to qualified businesses. Listings may be entered by emailing

Display Ad Rates

Front Cover $1900

Back Cover $1800

Full Page $1000

1/2 Page $800

1/4 Page $400

All ads are full color.

Insert Rates

$1800 per month.

Directory Listing (business card size ad in print edition)
